To ensure the eligibility and safety of high pressure cylinder.
To control the gas quality by controlling cylinders’ humidity.
Completed with high technology and high accuracy equipment to control gas purity level according to standard and to support the production of calibration gas.
To ensure the safety and durability quality of cylinder’s rack.
To ensure the durability quality and safety during rack lifting process.
The purpose of Company checking standard is to assure that every cylinder and rack returned from customers is in good condition to be reused in the next production and refilling. IQC includes work safety standard and the quality of cylinder and gas.
The purpose or Company checking standard is to assure that production and refilling output comply to the specification standard or to customer’s requirement. OQC 1 includes the checking of pressure, leakage and gas purity level.
The purpose of Company checking standard is to assure that the result of OQC 1 applicable. OQC 2 is executed by production team and delivery team together before cylinder and rack loading process.